They’re getting married in the morning…

So, the bags are on the couch & batteries are charging. The feet are up right now as it is going to be a long day but you would never believe how fast the time goes!

… ding dong the bells are going to chime!!!

Well, technically thats not right… “They’re getting Married in the afternoon! No Ding Dong as their at a hotel!!!” ha ha ha ha ha ha I’M SO EXCITED!!! I LOVE WEDDINGS!!!

So, the bags are on the couch & batteries are charging. The feet are up right now as it is going to be a long day but you would never believe how fast the time goes! I am so lucky, I get to be the Wedding VIP – I get to stand at the front, see the faces, the kisses, the reactions of the guests and I get to caupture it all!

Time to do the checklist – 2 camera bodies, all 4 lenses, flashes, flash stand, bride and groom signs, water bottle (a must seen as though I have realized I hold my breath while I photograph, not a great idea!) Loads of other little bits like extra SD cards, pens, tissues (I LOVE A GOOD WEDDING! Everyone cries at weddings) and then I’m good to go to bed…. Set the alarm and then in the morning I will get ready, hand over control of the monsters to my Hubby and I’m off… That’s it for now! Beauty sleep calls… Will Sneak peek you guys as soon as I can xxx ❤ xxx